
Showing posts from May, 2019

Traveling to the Past - Going Home

After Patrick passed I decided to travel up to Susanville to see my mom. For various reasons I put it off for months - probably the primary reason had to do with all the memories associated with Susanville .  I grew up there, moving from the Bay Area when I was about 3 years old. So many memories, my grandparents lived about a mile from my home growing up and I spent many an afternoon walking to their house and spending time with my grandmother, she always had time for all of us. I met Patrick in Susanville - love at first sight. I was about 15 (almost the same age as my grandson, Anthony), Patrick was 18. Our first apartment was in Susanville . I mentioned my interest in travelling to Susanville to my grandsons back in November and immediately Anthony said - I'll go with you. So, my travelling companion and I headed out this past weekend for my hometown. Anthony was good company and I think he made the trip so much easier for me. I felt very nostalgic throughout the tri