
Showing posts from August, 2019

3 Stacks

I've been thinking about clearing out Patrick's clothes, I go to his closet, open the door, look around and think "eh, not today." I've had friends and family offer to "help" go through this clothes with or without me, but this never felt like a journey I wanted to share. I think I've been working up to it for months, I've been selling items on the garage sale page, organizing, shredding and putting donation stacks together. But never quite making it to any of his personal items. I don't have to get rid of anything, I know that. But, it seems like an appropriate time to start. My aunt offered to make a quilt out of Patrick's t-shirts. She doesn't push, she just says, whenever you can get them to me. It's simply in my own head that says it's time. Some of my widow friends have cleared stuff out and some not, some of the ALS patients I knew gave their personal items away before they died. Patrick attempted a bit of this, but i